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August 06, 2020

Capacitor 3.0 development begins and new Capacitor Community GitHub org

Capacitor 3.0 development underway

Like any major version change, Capacitor 3.0 will include some new features, but also some changes to how plugins are consumed. We’ve been tracking our ideas on GitHub and have created a few issues to share our plans. This covers new features and bug fixes to Capacitor-Core, as well as splitting out the plugins to their own packages. 

If you want to check on the progress or find the reason for these changes, we have a main Capacitor 3.0 issue which covers this. 

There are also two other issues related to plugins and upgrade guides you could also track as well:

Capacitor 3.0 plugins updates

Capacitor 3.0 upgrade guide

With all of this work being done, we are looking for feedback from the community, so join the Discussions tab on GitHub and let us know your thoughts.

Capacitor Community Organization

We mentioned this earlier in the year, but we’ve been working on a new community organization for Capacitor. This is a group effort involving many community members with the goal of providing a community curated set of plugins. Think of this as “blessed” plugins that the community has worked on and that we want to elevate. If you’re looking to add some features to your Capacitor app, be sure to see what the community org has to offer. And if you’re looking to get involved, we have a list of plugin proposals that people can contribute to. 

A huge thank you to the community members working on this!

New Blog Posts

How Capacitor Works

One of the interesting things about Capacitor is how it compares to other technologies like Cordova or React Native. From a technical standpoint, the architecture is fairly similar to other approaches. Don’t believe us? Well thankfully our own Max Lynch put together an architecture overview of Capacitor. Definitely a must read!

Building With Capacitor and Vue

This is a guest post Mike Hartington wrote for the wonderful folks over at LogRocket. If you’re looking to use Capacitor with Vue, we got you covered! This blog post goes over the details on how to set up your Vue app to use Capacitor. Best part, if you already have a UI library of choice, like Vuetify, there’s no need to change things!

Capacitor release notes are available on GitHub.

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