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November 29, 2023

Angular 17 brings Live Updates structure changes

Upgrading to Angular 17 brings the option to migrate from webpack to ES Build for building the application. Among other things, this provides faster build-time performance.

If you migrate to ESBuild, the “www” folder structure, containing the built web app ultimately used as a Live Update, changes quite a bit. App contents will move from the root of the "www" folder to a “browser” subdirectory and JavaScript files are renamed from numbers (like 438.js) to chunks (chunk-2342.js) format.

This means that the next Live Update sent out to users will download and apply the entire application. For larger applications, this may have an effect on the user experience. Given this significant app change, we recommend shipping an app store release alongside a new Live Update deployment.

Despite these changes, we encourage you to migrate to ESBuild. Not only are the performance gains worth it, but you can also use the Ionic VS Code extension to auto-migrate your app to ESBuild easily.

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